Saturday, 25 February 2012


So, I figure it's time to make postings again.
It's been 6 months, and I'm sure you're all dying to hear what's happening (yes I know no one reads this yet but when people do start reading they will be such avid fans they will scroll back through all this rubbish).

I got a new job - no longer selling books, now working with records, archives and general storage of information. Yes, still safely in the geek industry.
And it's a pretty damn good job too, not only are the people I work with nice, the job challenging and full of variety, plus free coffee, also they promised me a job to come back to after I heal all my bones back together.

Oh yeah, I broke my bones too.
Not all, just 6, some in my leg, some in my arm, one of those spine ones... but it's all getting better and I am free to hobble at a rate of centimetres at the moment.
I have come to appreciate many things, such  as getting through days without painkillers, being able to pick up my daughter and being able to go to the toilet on my own. Yes, the first couple of weeks were unpleasant for all concerned.
Of course all this happened over Christmas. I've never been fond of Christmas but I didn't exactly want to miss it completely, not like that. Car accident on Dec 23rd, woke up Dec 26th. Still, received a working spine for Christmas, top that.

So there's been some stuff that's been unpleasant of late, but now I'm gearing up to use my time productively - working on some projects - research & creative. Get some of my games out there hopefully and generally annoy people by just reminding them I'm here. 'cause that's what life's all about (trust me, I had a life-threatening situation).