Monday, 3 December 2018

Board Game Miniatures - Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Time of the Daleks, by Gale Force 9, is a great game, in my opinion the only actually good Doctor Who game out there. A perfect example of theme & mechanics molded together, rather than the mechanics beaten into the theme as with many other rushed licensed games.

So I love this game. And I love Doctor Who in general. So it was a great pleasure to paint the pieces in this game.

Time of the Daleks
The game consists of 16 pieces:
4 Doctors (First, Fourth, Eleventh & Twelfth)
1 K-9
5 Daleks
1 Davros
1 Dalek Mother Ship

The Doctors:
Certainly the hardest, or most pain-staking to paint - humanoids with faces particularly are always tricky. But I've very pleased with how they came out - and to be fair the faces on the models were not the best they could have been (see Fourth and First in particular, rather flat faces)

The First Doctor I decided to go with monochrome - partly because sourcing images of him in colour is difficult, but also it sparked the idea of having a monochrome set for the 60's era of the show.
The Fourth was an experiment of shades to get the colour of the coat right, and then the scarf... I was pointed to a website that detailed the exact colours and number of stitches used in the originals (there were a few different editions of the famous scarf) but I took from that the colours and randomly filled it in myself - there's accuracy and then there's a headache. I'm pleased with the outcome.
Eleven, similarly, was a tricky one to get to colouring right on the jacket. But her came together pretty easily, and Twelve finally was a few fairly simple base colours.
The Fourth Doctor

First and Eleventh Doctors

Twelve and K-9
K-9 was an exclusive piece that comes with the first edition of the game.

The TARDIS's came in a fairly good TARD?IS blue to start with, but still I repainted, shaded, added black and white to the windows and signage, as well as including a 60's TARDIS.

TARDIS's vs Daleks
And yes, it is TARDIS's. Not Tardi. It's an acronym, Latin word structure doesn't apply.

The Daleks.
I quickly solved the dilemma of what colour scheme for the Daleks with the idea of doing "Daleks of the world" and painting with different colours from across the history of the series - bronze, green, red, white & blue and finally and all monochrome 60's edition.
I looked up different Daleks to get the exact colouring right and realised how many subtle variations in the actual travel machines structure existed. So mostly the parts were just a compromise of what worked best with the models I had, which didn't really fit any one TV Daleks exactly as it was.

Daleks of the world
My favourite character in Doctor Who - painting the travel machine and his grizzled face worked really well.
First Doctor and Davros - a combo I would love to see!

Finally the Mothership I did with the 60's colour scheme as well (I checked - Dalek saucers were in the original Dalek Invasion of Earth)

The 60's collection.